
  • 笔译是书面的,口译是口头的,这是两种不同的技能. 用几个例子来说明它们的区别.
  • Being bilingual isn’t enough to make you a translator or interpreter: you need additional training. 强调教育要求和有益的生活经历. 强调掌握优秀英语词汇的必要性, 语法, 除了外语技能,还有写作. 提供笔译和口译培训项目的信息.
  • 翻译不仅仅是词语替换. Give specific examples of bad or literal translation and challenge the students to improve on them.
  • 机器翻译不会很快取代人工翻译. Provide concrete examples from Babelfish or another source and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of MT.
  • 外语技能在职场大有用武之地. 强调医院对语言能力的需求, 学校, 法院, 在社会服务方面, 在国际法和商业领域. Emphasize that language 技能 are an advantage in any of the well-known professions (doctors, 工程师, 护士, 业务主管).



首先介绍你自己,确定你使用的语言. 当你谈论你的工作时,使用你自己经历的轶事.


  • Describe how you became interested in languages and how you entered the profession.
  • Describe your working conditions (flexibility and portability of translation; travel involved in interpreting; multiple options in economic downturns; pros and cons of working in a home office).
  • 告诉学生典型的一天是怎样的, and be sure to use examples of any high-profile work you’ve done (interpreting at a well-known trial or political summit, 翻译或审阅 国家地理).
  • 如果你愿意, 在你最有趣的_________经历中加入一两个简短的轶事, 令人兴奋的, 使人心烦的, 令人尴尬的, 等.).


  • 提出问题并鼓励学生也这样做. 如果你还不知道的话, ask how many of your listeners speak or have studied languages other than English, 外语学生的学习进展如何, 以及他们对笔译和口译的了解. This simultaneously breaks the ice and allows you to adapt your presentation to your audience.
  • 分发(非机密材料的)翻译样本!)和相应的源文本, 突出显示困难或模棱两可的术语, 并挑战学生为他们找到解决方案. It’s also helpful to describe the research you did to arrive at your translation.
  • Recruit a student or teacher who speaks one of your languages and do a brief interpreting demonstration.


  • Compare and contrast the 技能, traits and talents needed in translation and interpreting. 指出翻译本质上是 作家 and need excellent English writing 技能 in addition to high-level foreign language proficiency (teachers love this!). 描述你在另一个国家生活和工作的经历.
  • 讨论行业的工具:计算机(PC), 笔记本电脑), 字典, 术语数据库, 互联网, 电子邮件, 传真, 计算机程序, 等.
  • Handle the issue of compensation with care: use ranges rather than isolated figures, 并指出在这个行业中没有标准的费率. To find average incomes for full-time independent translators and interpreters, refer to the ATA翻译和口译薪酬调查 查阅最新报告的摘要.
  • Provide specific information on career resources for translation and interpreting and discuss the role of mentoring in becoming a professional.


  • 高中生, 用他们邪恶的幽默感, 也许你会喜欢这个老笑话, “你怎么称呼会说三种语言的人?? 三种语言的. 你怎么称呼会说两种语言的人? 双语. 你怎么称呼只会一种语言的人? 美国.”
  • 挑战学生解决一些翻译问题. Hand out a list of literally translated foreign proverbs or common phrases and challenge the class to come up with an idiomatic translation (e.g., the French “I have other cats to beat” would be “I have other fish to fry” in English). 试着列举一个没有令人满意的对等物的例子, 然后问学生他们会如何解决这个问题. Stress the point that translation and interpreting go far beyond word substitution. 在较长的演讲中, this can be a useful springboard for discussing the limits of machine translation and the role of cultural differences in translation and interpreting.
  • 使用有趣的翻译错误和幽默的机器翻译例子. 招牌和奇怪的菜单也很管用, but be careful to avoid any suggestion that foreigners are dumb or “can’t talk right.一旦笑声平息, 挑战学生们想出一个地道的英语翻译. Stress the point that a qualified professional translator or interpreter can avoid this kind of mistake through training and excellent knowledge of his or her languages and subject area. This is a good starting point for discussing education requirements and the limits of machine translation.
  • 不要低估贿赂的力量. Ask a few challenging questions and hand out appropriate prizes for intelligent or entertaining answers. 这些可能包括巧克力棒, 海报, 地图, 保险杠贴纸或外文纽扣, 关于外国的英语书籍, 甚至是ATAware. 这是你摆脱多余的手提袋或咖啡杯的机会!


  • Leaving something tangible behind will magnify the effect of your visit and ultimately produce a better return on the time and energy you’ve invested in your presentation.
  • 给学生翻译样本(非保密), a handout with web addresses and other pointers to information on careers in translation and interpreting, 和/或关于你的工作的传单或你的雇主的小册子.
  • Give the teacher a resource handout with pointers to further information on careers in translation and interpreting. 如果你有时间的话, drop by the guidance counselor’s office and leave a copy of the resource handout there as well.


Statistics on the size and growth of the translating and interpreting professions.


This could be anything from a five-minute chat about the resource handout for this level to a cup of coffee or a lunch date. One seasoned presenter reports that teachers are very eager to learn more from her and that she finds the contact with them extremely rewarding.

Make them aware of your profession and offer to speak on foreign language-related subjects and at the school’s career-oriented events.

小组成员可以包括法庭或医疗口译员, 内部翻译, 自由翻译, 翻译公司项目经理, 和/或将他们的语言技能用于其他职业的双语者.

This involves inviting a student into your workplace for all or part of a workday to give the student a hands-on, “生活中的一天”经验.

Offer to serve as a resource or mentor for students who are interested in pursuing language careers.
This could range from an occasional 15-minute phone conversation with interested students to an in-depth relationship with one special student.





These sample presentations, tips, and exercises that can be adapted for your needs. 如果你使用了这些材料, 请务必适当地感谢作者的贡献.

Covers differences between translation and interpreting; it’s not word-for-word substitution. 假朋友,隐喻,习语,广告和本地化的例子.
请感谢:Marybeth Timmermann

请感谢:Eve Bodeux

请感谢:Sarah L. 加里奥特和语言翻译学院 & 口译服务

Good comparison between translation and interpreting; covers job descriptions, 技能, 以及如何为职业生涯做准备. 专注于德语,但很容易适应其他语言.
请感谢:Sarah Allen


Presentation developed for high school students who may be eligible for the Seal of Biliteracy. 涵盖了双语/双文化的定义, 关于美国讲西班牙语人口的信息, 潜在的行业, 翻译和. 口译,以及高中生现在可以学习的技能.

讨论说一门外语的好处的演讲, 使用外语技能的职业, 以及翻译课程和项目.

请感谢:Dana Scruggs

2006 学校的永利最新网址 Contest Winner offers ways to engage students and tips for finding student groups for your presentation.
请感谢:Rosario Welle
